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3 Common HVAC Myths Debunked

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3 HVAC Myths and Their Realities

You may have been told this from an early age, but you shouldn’t believe everything you hear — especially in the world of HVAC. Believe it or not, there are many misconceptions about your home’s HVAC system that are commonly believed by the masses. However, what if we told you that many of those myths aren’t exactly true? Here’s what you need to know:

Myth #1: Closing HVAC Vents Will Help Save Money

If you have a room in your home that isn’t generally occupied — such as a guest bedroom — you may feel inclined to shut the vent in that room to help save money. Unfortunately, you’re doing more harm than good — especially for your HVAC system.

Closing vents in unoccupied rooms will add excess pressure to your duct system and may cool your home unevenly. Additionally, you may actually see an increase in the amount owed on your next utility bill — shocking, right?

Myth #2: Lowering a Thermostat Quickly Will Cool Your Home Faster

Especially during those hot, hazy Southern California days, you may feel that the secret to cooling down your home quickly is to lower the thermostat to the lowest setting as soon as possible. However, completing this action will make your central air conditioner work harder to meet your demand.

Lowering the thermostat to an extreme setting quickly will put more pressure on your unit to help cool your entire home to that desired temperature. It can take hours for it to meet the exact number on your thermostat — and by that time, your system will have exerted an unnecessary amount of energy to do so.

Myth #3: Annual System Tune-Ups are a Waste of Time

This myth couldn’t be further from the truth: annual tune-ups are extremely vital to the well-being of your HVAC system. Typically, homeowners should have two appointments per year — once in autumn, the second in the spring. Tune-ups are also a great way to keep your system’s warranty valid.

Another perk about tune-ups is that if your HVAC technician notices something out of the blue (i.e., a loose part), they’ll be able to present you with a repair solution before that small issue has the chance to blossom further down the road.

Expert Cooling & Heating Services in Ventura County, CA

The HVAC professionals at West Coast Air Conditioning are ready to help take care of all your home’s heating and cooling needs. To schedule an appointment with the experts, call us at (805) 954-9195 or schedule an appointment online by filling out a quick form.